Replacing a central heating system in your home is a major project that should not be taken lightly. Furnaces are big, bulky and expensive appliances and not something that you want to get wrong. If you’re thinking about replacing your heating system, here are some things to keep in mind before diving in:

Research before you buy

Central heating systems are complex pieces of hardware that require expert installation. Make sure you do your research before buying a new furnace to avoid ending up with an expensive mistake. - How many people live in your home? - How many people live in the rest of the house? - What appliances and equipment does the home currently have? - Does the home have any accessibility issues? - Is the home insulated? - How old is the home? - How long does the home stay at a specific temperature? - Where will the furnace be located (i.e. in a basement or garage)?

Don’t forget about ductwork

Ductwork is an important part of any central heating system. Make sure you keep in mind the locations of all duct work when choosing a new unit. Duct work should be long enough to reach the furthest point in the home. Duct work should be deep enough to avoid freezing in colder months. Duct work should be wide enough to avoid condensation build-up in warmer months. Duct work should be insulated as much as possible to avoid losing heat. Duct work is expensive to replace and can be very complicated to install.

Plan for future expansion

Central heating systems can be expanded later on if you ever decide to expand. Make sure you think about how much space you have and what size system you’ll need. Make sure you have the right connections and piping in place. It’s better to know sooner than later that you’ll need to expand and have a system in place that can handle it.

Understand energy consumption

Central heating systems have a certain amount of energy they use. You’ll want to make sure you have your heating unit set at the right amount of energy usage. Most systems are set at 80% to 90% energy efficiency. This is a good range to keep in mind. You don’t want to be too high or too low. Too low and the system won’t run properly. Too high and it will be more expensive to operate.


Replacing your central heating system is a big project. Make sure you do your research, don’t forget about duct work and plan for future expansion. You’ll want to make sure you have a system that is energy efficient and runs smoothly. Keep these things in mind when replacing your furnace.